Wednesday, December 31, 2008

In hot water (I wish)

Day 5 of no water heater.......all I can think about is a nice hot shower. Last night Jon tried to boil water on the stove so I could take a bath. It was very sweet, but it didn't end up working out. He was either being very nice or he thinks I smell. Hmmm. Right now he is out buying yet another part to try to fix it. I really don't want to ring in the new year like this. I am praying that he can fix it today.

On another note......I found a quote that made me smile.
"For peace of mind, resign as general manager of the universe."~Anonymous
If you're not a control freak like I am you may not get it.
Have fun tonight and be safe. Goodbye 2008.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Joy in simple things

Our Christmas was simply amazing.
This year I did not go to a single Christmas party and I LOVED it. Seriously. It was so peaceful and relaxing. I didn't go to the mall once or spend much time in other stores. I did research online and then went out on missions to find a specific item and that was all I was out for. We were able to spoil Brooklyn with some really great gifts for a really great price and it felt amazing.

Christmas Eve at my parents house is hilarious! We each bring a gift that costs 20-25 bucks, we draw numbers and then we take turns opening gifts or stealing an already opened one from a family member(White Elephant style). We laugh, we boo(sorry Joseph), we cheer, and we conspire against each other all in the name of love and Christ's birth. This year there were a lot of movie tickets, so people would decide which tickets to steal based on the type of candy that was included. And then when it's all over we trade with someone else or end up giving our gift away to the first child who asks for it. We don't really care about the gifts and I love that. We enjoy the time together.
Christmas morning is ours. Just the three of us in our pj's opening gifts. So nice. Then we get ready and head over to Jon's parents house for Christmas dinner and more presents. After dinner we usually play a game. This year we played Phase 10. I love that game even though I never win. Okay, so I think I won once.

Jon and I were really blessed by our families this Christmas in so many ways. This year, more than any other year, I felt the true spirit of the season.

The joy in simple things. It was amazing.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My random family......I love them:)

I am the second oldest of 14 children. No, that is not a typo. I have one older half sister from my Dad and then I am the oldest of my Mom and Dad's 13 children together. When I was a kid I LOVED it. When I was a teenager I wanted out; I wanted peace and quiet and an open bathroom.
My sister Kristin(aka Fish-face) called me on Wednesday(the 10th) and asked if I could drive to Rocklin with my camera and remote to take a family picture. Then we looked at our calendars and realized that the next day was the only day that worked, so I picked up Brooklyn from school, told them we would not be there the next day and off we went to the Keller house.

This is my Mom, Dad, Me(my hubby Jon and daughter Brooklyn), Kristin, Angela(her hubby Dan, son Caleb and daughter Maddie), Patricia, Joseph(his wife Mandy and son Gilbert), Jacob, Jonathan, Sarah, James, Hannah, Julie, Jeremiah, Janae and their puppy Tiki#2.

My family is not very good with planning ahead. Add to that a very time consuming family crisis that we are going through and you take what you can get when you can get it. Actually that is a pretty good description of how it is all the time, crisis or not. The Keller house is, i imagine, like Grand Central Station; there is always someone coming and going.

Brooklyn LOVES going to Aunt's and Uncle's house. My youngest sister Janae is 9 months older than her and they are such buddies. The next one up is Jeremiah and the three of them are trouble. I pretty much don't see my daughter from the moment we pull up until the moment I drag her kicking and screaming to the car where she passes out from exhaustion.

Janae, Brooklyn and Jeremiah before the family picture.

I had such a great time on that random family visit and am counting down the days with great anticipation until Christmas Eve-Eve when I can see my crazy wonderful family again. I miss my Mom and Dad and my brothers and sisters, my sister-in-law, my brother-in-law and my nieces and my nephews. I thank God for giving me the family that I have, and I am so blessed to be able to spend Christmas with them.

This is me with seven of my sisters.
Belle, my older sister lives in Idaho and wasn't there:(
From left to right: Hannah, Patricia, Angela, Me, Kristin,
Sarah, Julie and Janae(the little one in front)

Merry Christmas everyone!!! God bless you.