About Me

Hi! My name is Amy and I am Increasingly Domestic.

How do I even define myself here? I am so much more than the sum of my life and interests, but I'll give it a go. This section will change. I am always changing.

  • I am a recovering perfectionist.
  • I like to try new things
  • I {sometimes} blog about stuff I do.
  • I am a disciple of Jesus Christ-He gives me strength.
  • I have been married for 11 years to Jon. He's pretty awesome.
  • I have 3 children who bless me daily. They are 11, 5 and 2.
  • I did Gymnastics and have taught it for many years. I will always be teaching.
  • I use and teach about using essential oils for health and wellness.
  • I live in Northern California and love being close to mountains and oceans.
  • I eat a {mostly} Paleo diet.
  • I love to lift weights and hate running.
  • My feet have been on the cover of 2 magazines, so I'm a foot model. I can also pinch people with my toes
  • I have 5 brothers and 8 sisters and every one of them is a quality human being.
  • I love to redo furniture in happy colors.
  • I brew my own Kombucha because its WAY cheaper and SO good.
I will add more as I think of it, but that's a bit about me:)

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