Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Mommy/Daughter Date

Today after school I took Brooklyn to Chuck E Cheese, just me and her. We had such a good time together playing games and just hanging out. Our favorite games to play were the fishing and Skeeball....she totally kicked my butt at Skeeball. I think the skeeball skills that my own Mother possesses skipped me entirely and went straight to Brooklyn. I am still working that one out in therapy.

After that we went across the parking lot to the Sweet Spot and had some yummy gelato and sherbet. It was GOOD!

Today really made me think about just how much our lives will change when the baby gets here in a few months....no more going where we want when we want to. Life as we know it will never be the same. That realization smacked me in the face today.....big changes ahead.


  1. You gals are soooo cute! Love you both!
    ~ Heather

  2. I love the last pic of B- "Mom haven't you taken enough pics already??" Good for you taking advantage of special mommy/daughter time before the baby arrives!

  3. you 2 are so cute! I'm so glad you are using this time together. You're such a great mama!

  4. How fun for you guys! Mommy/daughter times are so special!


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