Saturday, January 23, 2010


As I go to bed each night I tell myself, "Tomorrow I will work out...tomorrow I will have the energy to get off the couch and get something done...tomorrow I will eat more veggies and less junk." But it just doesn't happen.

I am in a funk. I know that I have a 3 1/2 month old baby that takes so much energy out of me, but I see other moms with babies who are FREAKING SUPER MOMS and I get down on myself which only exacerbates the situation. Arg! 

Hopefully one day soon I will wake up and find that it is "tomorrow" and that I am working out, eating right and getting stuff done. Until then i am going to enjoy my baby and get the rest that my body needs.


  1. Hey girl, sorry it's so hard. And there are a few of us saying that about you and your zoo!

  2. every woman is different and just because some women look like superwomen on the outside you have no clue what could really be going on in the inside!! You are beautiful and you look great especially for having a 3.5 month old!! Dont be so hard on yourself and think of the things you do accomplish and have accomplished!! Heck I havent even had my baby yet and I already have no energy and no drive to do anything!! LOL

  3. I love you sis. My tomorrow is always Monday. The one day of the week that i diet and workout. haha. ;)

  4. you are amazing Amy!! I so hear you, I feel in the same funk the past couple of days!! I agree, I am going to enjoy my baby too and try not to be so hard on myself!


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