Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I love sewing! Seriously.
I made three new skirts for Brooklyn over the past couple days.

I wanted to make some simple skirts before I tried my hand at the tumbler skirt by Char over at Crap I've cute and just a little scary. I feel confident now that I will be able to do it.

My first skirt ever was made by sewing up the fabric selvage to selvage, sewed an elastic casing and then sewed bias tape to the bottom to finish the skirt. It took me a long time because I am a freak about making sure my fabric is cut perfectly, my pins lined up just so, and my stitches are straight. Ha! You can't tell from the picture but there is brown bias tape along the bottom of the skirt.

Isn't this fabric delicious? Mmmmmm!

Brooklyn in the first skirt I have ever made! There will be many many more in the future.

For my second skirt I used this Peasant Skirt Tutorial.

I like the way it turned out, but next time I will maybe add another layer
and add a few inches to each layer to make it more twirly.

She loves it and that's what matters the most:)

I found some gorgeous owl fabric when I went to Joanne's yesterday and Brooklyn wanted another selvage skirt. Twist my arm, okay! I pretty much love making skirts.
Don't you just LOVE these owls?
I am picturing this skirt with a sweater and a pair of leggings this fall. YUM!

She wants me to make her about a hundred more of these.

I just may do it;)


  1. so cute! you did such a great job! and love the apple pair material, same material as one I made for Hannah:) and love the owl material!

  2. Way to go! I'm to make a skirt this weekend for myself. Unfortunately, it's to be lined and have a zipper. Yep, I'm afraid. This looks lots easier!


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