Tuesday, September 21, 2010

BFF Crayon Rolls

My daughter's BFF from school moved to another state.

A few weeks ago I went to pick B up from school and as soon as she got in the truck she broke down sobbing and told me that J was moving to Montana. After that she would start crying whenever she thought about it.

To make things a little easier on the girls I decided to make J and B matching crayon rolls using this tutorial. J was going to have a 2 day car trip and I thought this would be a perfect road trip gift and then B having the same one would make them BFF Crayon Rolls. Ha!
Aren't they cute?

I went to the dollar store and got a super cute tote bag to put the crayon roll in, as well as a coloring book and a package of those shaped bands that the kids are crazy about right now. I made a quick card and had all the second graders from both classes sign it and then dropped of the card and gift to the teacher to give to J.

I hope that J had a safe and colorful trip to her new home and that she makes lots of wonderful new friends:)

I am linking up with some of these blogs:)


  1. Amy, these are just adorable! Great job! :)

  2. they are so cute! I am sorry for B that her bff is moving:( I have been wanting to do a crayon roll, this is the same tutorial I found I wanted to use:) what does it mean to link up with other blogs?


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