Thursday, September 16, 2010

{Colorbrick} a beginner’s Quilt-Along

My friend Rachel over at Stitched in Color made this incredibly stunning colorbrick quilt that I have been coveting and drooling over since the first time I layed eyes on it.

Well, now she is going to teach me how to make one of my very own! Okay, maybe not just me;)
You should go take a look at it and think about joining me and then we can have fun quilting parties together. Yep.

Never in my life did I see myself as a quilter...until now.

Colorbrick Quilt, here I come!

Here's the link to the quilt-along info

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty quilt! I have that fabric line, along with the voile Little Folks, waiting to be cut up...I do love that brick look, too. I am sure you will do a great job! Looking forward to seeing your progress. Your first quilt? Get ready to get addicted! I made my first only in April, and now am working on #10!


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