Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Halloween Buddies

I don't know what else to call them. Any ideas?

Before you help with a name
you might want to know what they are!

Yep, they are Puff containers!
My son goes through one of these every 1-2 days, so they stack up pretty quick. I used to just recycle them and then one day I peeled off the label and took a look at it and realized that it could be made into characters!!! There are so many possibilities!

Is your mind just racing with ideas of what to make
with this blank canvas?
I just love the shape of them.

Meet Lynette. She is a friendly witch.
She has fun googly eyes with eye makeup on that I found at the Dollar Tree.

Meet Stretch. He was VERY difficult to paint. Ha ha ha!

Meet Spazzy Mazzy.
I wanted something purple(it looks blue, but it's really purple) with googly eyes, so here he is.

Meet Langston. He is awesome.

Meet Frankie! He is my favorite...I pretty much adore him.

Here they are all together...My baby puff containers turned into my Halloween Buddies!!!
I don't claim to be an artist,
but I think they came out pretty darn cute.

Wouldn't these make adorable gifts? Fill them with goodies and give them to teachers and neighbors. They would make a great "Boo!" (If you haven't heard about "Boo"ing your neighbors you should google it)

I am linking up to these parties, and am participating in Get Your Craft On!

Visit thecsiproject.com


  1. Very cute! I like the name just fine :)

  2. These are ADORABLE! Now I wish I had saved all of those containers!

  3. So cute! I'll be linking to these in a post laster this week.

  4. great idea Amy! cute, cute, cute. I love the name too. Frankie is also my fav:) you are so crafty!

  5. They DID turn out really cute! Is that just acrylic paint or did you use a special paint to do them cuz of the plastic? You are really making me wanna paint stuff! =)

  6. Amy these are so adorable. Darn I went thru a million of those too, and I don't have any more. Serioulsy what a great shape, and they are all tall, and you did such a great job with the painting. I love them all. THANK YOU for linking up to **6 weeks 2 Spook** these are perfect. Bella :)

  7. those are fabulous! way to go with using your imagination and it's recycling too!
    thank you so much for linking and following my "rules"

  8. Very cute...you could also use your general idea with TP or Paper Towel tubes too! Thanks for sharing!


  9. cute! cheap and easy halloween decorations. just what i need!


  10. Oh man, these are cute! Too bad I've already recycled all the puff containers from granddaughter and she doesn't really like to eat them anymore.

  11. I featured these in my post today:

  12. Cute! I also used those containers for my daughter's birthday party. We used them for the "monster knock out" game.

    You really can get a lot of great uses out of them. Maybe bookends next?

  13. Fantastic!! And I have a bunch of those too- Avery loves them! What a great idea!

  14. These are great!! Do you mind if I link to this in an upcoming blog post? I am trying to put together a list of great and inexpensive decorating ideas for my blog and this would fit in perfectly!!

  15. Oh my word! I love these, particularly Frank! I have a few of these and have been trying to figure out what to do with them. So cute! Thanks for coming over to Tuesday Tell All.

  16. Your Halloween Buddies are too cute! Thanks for linking up to my "Open Haunted House" linky party! The party continues every Friday 'till Halloween, so please stop by again!

  17. Those are incredible! Thanks for linking up to The Halloween Scene!

  18. Genius! Seriously cute!
    You should come link this up to my Making It With Allie Party!

  19. Following you now from Feature Yourself Friday. Please follow back!


  20. Love this craft - so cute! Following from Feature Yourself Friday!


  21. LOVE these little fellas! Thanks SO much for joining in on Thrilling Thursdays @ Paisley Passions. I love to see the creative talent of other fellow bloggers. Hope you will stop by again soon :)
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  22. I love these! i wish I had held onto my son's Puffs containers... Hmm perhaps Pringles containers would work! Thanks!

  23. I love these! I knew exactly what they were. We have those at our house too. :) I think frankie is my favorite too! These are just too cute! Thanks for sharing.

  24. SO CUTE and they look fabulous all standing together! We have those containers at our house but I still had no idea what they were! Very creative! The only thing I've ever done withe them is use them to carry Cheerios or goldfish in once their original snacks have run out! Haha :)


  25. What a great idea! :) My friend and I always give each others kids an extra special treat for Halloween and her youngest is just 8mths old and loves puffs... I think I'll buy him a container and decorate it like "Frankie" - :) Thanks for sharing! M*

  26. Too dang cute - and I love the name.

    My girlfriend made snowmen out of coffee creamer bottles a few years back. But I love these for Halloween!

    Would love for you to drop by tomorrow and link them up to Passion for Paint!

  27. Too cute! My kids are a bit older, so we don't have any of those around. I bet we could use pringle cans and make it "Halloween Bowling". Thanks for sharing!

  28. I love recycle crafts! My boys are too old for puffs but I think this is a keeper. I love ol Frankenstein!

  29. These are so cute! What a great way to reuse those containers. Thanks for linking up to my Halloween Party!

    - Megan

  30. These are too cute! I have a few containers like that in my craft cabinet just waiting to be turned into something cute! Thanks for the great idea!

  31. These are fantastic and a great recycled craft. I shared your link on my FB page.

  32. I absolutely adore these cute monsters :) What medium did you use to paint the containers. I once used acrylic paints to color plastic containers but it did not work out!!



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