Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Tealights

Remember these?

that I made a few weeks ago.

I still love them so much...
when I walk by and see them all glowy and adorable it makes me smile.

My dear friend Tammi made her own version!

She made Fall Tealights using baby food jars, paint, mod podge and ribbon.

The brown ones are my favorite...I love how rich the brushstrokes are.
I feel all cozy and warm just looking at them:)

Go check out her post for more pictures of these cuties!

I am going to have to scrounge up some more baby food jars
to make some of these for myself.
Love you Tammi!!!

1 comment:

  1. aw thanks Amy, love you too!! you inspired me to make them:) if you need more baby food jars, I have plenty. Let me know and I will drop them by.


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