Tuesday, October 05, 2010

"I Spy" kindness!

Look what came in the mail!

Karen from Sew Many Ways commented on my Halloween Beanbags post and we started e-mailing back and forth. She had some amazing suggestions of activities I could do with beanbags and then she went through her own stash of I Spy fabrics and mailed them to me...Just because! Here they are:

Her blog is full of wonderful crafty inspiration, including this post about a doorway puppet theater! How cute is that? I have those finger puppets on my shopping list for my next Ikea trip.

Thank you Karen!!!
You have blessed me in more ways than you know:)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for this post and for the link to my blog. Much appreciated!
    Have fun with the fabric, I was happy to send it to you.


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