Monday, November 08, 2010

Amazing Banana Muffins and A Tip

My family LOVES banana bread!

I make muffins because they are perfect serving sizes and are so easy to grab
for a fast and healthy breakfast.

I usually make a couple batches at a time and freeze some for later.
They freeze really well.

The recipe I use is the Classic Banana Bread from Cooking Light.

I changed a few things:
1) I use whole wheat flour instead of white flour.
2) I add walnuts, but only to some(more on that in a sec)
3) Muffins bake faster, so I only bake for 30 minutes

Everything else is the same.

My husband and I both like walnuts in our banana bread,
but our 7 year old daughter does not.

 Here is my tip:
Make batter without nuts and scoop into the Pink muffin liners.

Then stir in the chopped walnuts(or whatever kind you like) 
and pour into the Blue and Yellow muffin liners

And here they are all done!
Pink wrappers without nuts and Blue and Yellow ones with nuts.
Now my daughter can grab a muffin and know that it is one that she likes:)


  1. oooh they look yummy! I will have to try that recipe! we love banana bread too:)

  2. Great tip to color code your muffins, Amy. I LOVE banana bread, too. Thanks for the recipe!

  3. Yum! I'll take a pink wrapper muffin please! I LoVe Banana Bread!!


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