Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Flower Dresser

My sister in law Cindy gave me this amazing dresser for FREE! After hubby brought this home for me I was dying to go to Home Depot to pick out my paint.
I love hardware stores!

 Isn't she gorgeous? I love the different sized drawers and that the top two are curvy while the rest are more square. I am planning to use this piece in my dining area as a buffet and to store some craft supplies.

This is my favorite little detail...there are three carved flowers on the front! 
One on each side and one in between the top drawers.

I am in love!

I took the girl to Awana and then went to Home Depot. I was literally giddy while I walked up and down the aisles waiting for my paint to get mixed.

When the guy opened the can to put the little dab of color on the top of the lid
I thought, "Is it weird that I want to rub that color all over me?"

Seriously? Yep:) 
I wanted to dip my hand into the paint and smear it all over me. 

I am revealing all sorts of freak-ness right now,
so feel free to click "next" on your reader.

I'm sorry.


  1. LOL! I <3 our paint people at Home Depot, lol, so I totally understand your "freaky-ness"

  2. cant wait to see the finished dresser... and ive been known to want to swim in paint that i love... hehehe

  3. Now I'm dying to know what color you chose! Can't wait to see what you do with the dresser!


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