Thursday, February 17, 2011

Increasingly Domestic is on Facebook!

Hello friends!

I wanted to tell you all that Increasingly Domestic is now on Facebook! If that's your thing, I would looooooove it if you would "like" me;) The badge thing is on the sidebar.

If you know how to make it so that people don't have to go to facebook to "like", but can just click a button, please let me know. I'm new;)

As I was logging in to write this I saw some rather exciting news:
I have hit 200 followers!!!!!

Gah! Thank you so much to my readers...I love you all and appreciate all the sweet comments that you leave. I love responding back through e-mail to those of you who aren't "no-reply" and have enjoyed some wonderful conversations.

I have made some amazing friends and am in the process of making some new ones right now. This crazy world that we blog in is so full of loving and encouraging people and I am so blessed to be a part of it. You are what makes blogging so much fun.

Thank you friends!

I am kinda thinking that a giveaway may be in order soon;)


  1. Woohoo! Congrats on the 200! Very exciting!

  2. Woohoo on the 200 followers! Have you ever thought about joining Twitter? I love it for instant chatting. Please consider it...pretty please? I am thinking of doing a post about how well twitter gets us to know each and stay up on the latest in blog world. :)


  3. Congrats!!!! YOU won the stella and dot earrings. YAY!
    A Bowl Full of Lemons

  4. Congrats on hitting 200, Amy! Love that I've had the opportunity to get to know you:)


Your comments make my day! I read each and every one...sometimes multiple times, and I love to be able to write back when I can. Thank you!!!