Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Painting and Printables

Yesterday there was no school...Presidents Day and all;)
So during Travis' nap time Brooklyn and I did a little crafting.

We got these document frames at the Dollar Tree.
They are 8.5" x 11", which is perfect for the printables that I found.
We painted several layers of paint and then topped it with a glossy clear coat.

Me and my girl, coffee, hot chocolate, giggles and crafting.
Perfect afternoon.

YUM! See the thumbs up? She loved it.
She made me "cheers" every time we took a drink;)

Here is mine:
I got this free print here from MaryJanes and Galoshes.
She has two other colors which are gorgeous,
but you can see why I chose this one, right? YUM!

I want this on a t-shirt.

 Here is Brooklyn's print:
I got this free print here from Sprik Space.
She has TONS of other great printables too, so go check her out.

We started out just wanting this to put in her room and by the time we were done painting
we had decided to do a gallery wall in her room.

So now I am looking for fun things to add to the gallery wall.

Here's my print on the buffet in the kitchen. It is so bright and it just makes me happy!

After the gallery wall was decided upon, we painted three more frames that I have had laying around since before Brooklyn was born. No joke, they were meant for her nursery!
She will be 8 in two months...better late than never, right?

Here they are in all their glorious color drying in the sun.
It was a wonderful day and Brooklyn kept saying how she would remember this day every time she looks at these frames. *Melt* Moments like that are why I do what I do.

Linking up with these amazing blog parties.
Please check them out and join in the fun!


  1. Good morning!!! I wanted to drop by this AM and say HELLO as a memember of the Circle of Bliss. Look forward to following ya here :0) Do you by chance have a Twitter?

  2. really cute prints!!

  3. Aww, how fun! I can't wait until my little guy is big enough to enjoy doing things together... for more than 30 seconds... but then again, he is a little GUY so we may never be able to have a peaceful afternoon of painting frames and drinking hot chocolate. :)

  4. cute, cute, cute

    New follower from the circle of bliss.

  5. Sounds like the two of you had a great time, Amy! I love the printables you chose and the frame colors, too. Off to check out some of the links.

  6. Stopping to say hello to all the sponsors of the Spring Fling. I am now your newest follower. Hope you will stop by Puddle Jumper Creations and say hello!

    The colors you have chosen are awesome!

  7. Just stopping by from the Spring Fling to check out your fab blog!! I'm also a participant.

  8. Hey there! Finally got the chance to visit the other Spring Flingers :)
    Those frames are too cute--I adore the colors!!

  9. That's awesome that she has fun doing those crafts with you. My daughter loves doing that stuff too, it's a great way to spend the day together!

  10. Too cute! I love crafting with my daughter, it looks like you guys had a great time! Thanks for the inspiration Amy. :)

  11. I love that pink frame! And the blue one is beautiful too. I just love the bright colors and would love to bring more of that into my home. I did paint a frame for my Snow Subway Art project, but it wasn't very colorful. I think I'm going to have to find a printable to do for St Patricks and do a beautiful green color. Thanks for the idea!

    I'd love it if you would like this project on our new Party themed blog link party here:

  12. so thrifty and they turned out great! what a fun day.


  13. LOVE everything about this post! sunshine! thumbs up, the bright colors! ohhh and the sweet words from your girl! nothin' better!
    visiting from Circle of Bliss

  14. Aww...isn't it great to get some one on one time! Sounds like the perfect afternoon. Love the bright colors on the frames and that hot chocolate looks super yummy!


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