Sunday, February 20, 2011


First, please excuse any wonkiness that you see here right now. I am reformatting my blog to a wider template and I have to go through each post to change it. I am doing this so that I can use LARGER photos:)

I heart big photos.

EDIT: Okay, so really BLOGGER? 
Why are the X-Large photos like twice the size of the Large? 
I guess I will be sticking with the same size photos, but I am loving the extra white space for the text. I like that it's not so bunchy.

Second, I have succumbed to peer pressure and am now on Twitter!(Hello E)
(If you know how to add a fancy button for this please let me know)

Thanks Peeps!


  1. If you figure out how to make fancy buttons please let me know!

    Anna :)

  2. here is a way to get your picture to a different size :)
    hope that helps :)

  3. I just wanted to let you know that I stole your idea about showing pictures of the projects featured. I think that was a genius idea! I hope you don't mind. :)


  4. (whining) Now I want a twitter too! lol

  5. Haha...hello my dear! I am glad I peer pressured you into Twitter. Yeah. :) I am thrilled to get another convert. Oh...and I completely understand the issue with the photos. I keep going back and forth between the large and the extra large. I have resized my own...but the proportion issue...argh. See? I am a hot mess with the pictures. I love big pics but I have a small computer and wonder if people run into the same issue as me -- scrolling up and down just to see the whole pic. Ahhh..what to do? Let me know if you get a solution.


  6. i succumbed as well! adding you to circle of bliss! :) oh, and new follower too.. thought i already was! :P


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