Sunday, March 20, 2011

When life gives you lemons...

...and by life, I mean my in-laws.

...and by lemons, I mean lemons.

What did you think I meant? Bah ha ha!
My in-laws went out of town, and before they left they gave me a huge bag of lemons!

They also let me borrow their amazing citrus juicer!
Check this thing out! It is amazing.

When we have producing lemon trees I will definitely be purchasing one of these bad boys.

This is what I usually use. Yeah, I know. Sad. 

Looking at them side by side made me think of this and laugh.
Remember the Hefty bag commercial? Ha!
I am hearing the voices now.

I juiced the lemons and froze the juice in ice cube trays.
(My mother-in-law taught me this tip)
Each cube is about 2 Tablespoons of juice.

Once frozen put in labeled freezer bags.

Now I have fresh lemon for my ice water...just toss 1 cube into a bottle of water.
I drink so much more water this way;)

I love {LEMONS}!

Don't throw these away!
I will tell you why tomorrow.

I am linking up to the blogs on my LINKY PARTY tab!
as well as here:

March 20th-April 2nd
2-3 giveaways a day! Go check it out:)


  1. I love the lemon cubes- what a brilliant idea, and so simple. I will be trying this

  2. I LOVE love love this idea! Thank you! I just started Weight Watchers, hoping to lose about 20-30 lbs. and I'm drinking way more water. I love lemon in my water so this will help a ton in drinking water!

  3. SUPER GOOD idea! We all should drink more water and this would make me be much happier to do it! Guess what I have to go out and buy now? No, not a juicer ... an ice cube tray! I'm clicking to follow ... jules

  4. Great idea!! Now, now I want to go buy a juicer & some lemons. LOL

  5. yes i love that juicer we have it

  6. What an awesome idea! Now I just have to find a juicer... does a 4 year old count?

  7. I posted almost this exact post about a month ago! I guess great minds think alike.


  8. Oh except I used the wimpy wimpy wimpy juicer because that's all I had. :(


  9. Brilliant idea! I freeze the mint growing on my patio in ice cube trays for the same purpose.

  10. Great Tip about the lemon water... thanks!

  11. I really need to invest in a real juicer! Thanks for the tip!

  12. Okay, that ice cube trick is GENIUS. And therefore YOU are a genius.

  13. Amy, this is such a great idea! I've been having so much fun browsing around your site. So glad I came across your blog. I'm a new follower.

  14. I'm going to have to look into a hefty juicer. I have kidney stones and need to drink more than 3 litres of water with 3 ounces of lemon juice each day. The juicer and your freezing tips will work out well. Thanks!

  15. That's an awesome idea! I'm going to have to do that. Thanks a bunch for sharing.

  16. such a great idea! I guess I will have to use my wimpy juicer :)

  17. Ooh Great idea thanks for sharing! My Mom will love this one. Found you on Lil' Luna

  18. What a great idea. I have to try that one. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks so much.

  19. Awesome idea! I would totally use this in the summertime with iced tea so it didn't get watered down!

  20. Such a great idea and a good time saving trick!

    This is PERFECT for my new linky party, Foodie Friday. Please stop on over and link up!

    Oh - and I found you on What Allies Making Now!

  21. I love that you are trying to get rid of all the chemicals. They scary me so bad. Thanks for all of the great ideas with what to do with Lemons.

    Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All.


  22. Cool! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  23. That is a great idea. I really like your writing style.

  24. I have a whole bowl of Meyer lemons that I need to do this too! I love having lemon in my iced tea.

    K. Anne


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