Friday, April 08, 2011

Bunny and Lamb Easter Cupcakes

I made these last year to share with Brooklyn's class for Easter,
 but since that was pre-blog I wanted to share them with you.

Other than the too large eyes, which are a little totally creepy, I think they are adorable!

For the Bunny:
Frost the cupcake with pink tinted frosting.
Put a face shaped glob of white frosting just off the center.
Place candies to make the face.
I used chocolate chips, sprinkles and red hots.
Take a large marshmallow, cut it in half and dip the sticky side in pink sprinkles.
Snip the marshmallow to make ears and press into the frosting behind the face glob.

For the Lamb:
Frost the cupcake with white frosting.
Put a face shaped glob of pink frosting just off the center.
Place candies to make the face.
I used chocolate chips and red hots.
Cut mini marshmallows in half and press them cut side down around the face glob

The kids loved them!

I got the recipes from
Here are the links for the Bunny Cupcakes and Lamb Cupcakes

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Cuz that's where I party!!!


  1. a little creepy...check
    too cute... check check
    wanna make... ohhh yes

  2. Creepy or not--I want to eat them!
    And hey--the person on top of my comment is a Bethany too!

  3. Those are too stinkin' cute!!!

  4. So adorable! My aunt raises lambs, and this would be perfect to make for her when I go visit. Thanks for sharing!


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