Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shaklee review and Giveaway!!!

**This giveaway is closed**

Bonnie from House of Grace sent me a sample of
Shaklee's Basic H2 Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate to try out.

If you have read my blog for more than a minute you know that I am a fan of natural,
non-toxic cleaning and use vinegar, lemon and baking soda to clean my home.

I found this on their website:
Our mission at Shaklee is to provide a healthier life for everyone and a better life for anyone. We do it by making natural products that are so exceptional, you just have to tell your friends. Every product that goes into every Shaklee bottle is designed to improve health, work without compromise, and be gentle on the planet.

When you pick Shaklee, you will know three things to be true.
It is always safe. It always works. And it is always green.
Needless to say I was pretty stoked to give this stuff a try!!!

This is what came in the mail.

And this is what was inside that little package...can you BELIEVE that?
It's so tiny!

I got my dollar store spray bottles out and followed the directions.

The sample made a bottle of window cleaner and an all purpose cleaner.
All from that tiny little vial and some water.
Now that's some crazy concentrated stuff!!!

Okay, so let's see what this stuff can do, shall we?

Here is my fingerprint covered fridge before.

Here is a close up of the goo that my son deposits daily.

And here is the fridge after cleaning it with the Basic H2.
So clean and shiny!

It helped quite a bit with the hard water stains on the water dispenser too.
From what I have seen I think Shaklee's Get Clean Scour Off 
would probably finish up this job;)

Here's the T.V, covered with cracker goo, fingerprints
and lick marks from the toddler and the dog:
T.V. Before.

 I sprayed on the Basic H2 window cleaner, wiped it down...
And here is the AFTER!
Shiny and Goo-less.

Okay, so I saved the grossest one for last. Don't look Anna! ;)
This is the sink in the master bathroom:
I can't believe I posted gross!

 I sprayed it with Basic H2 and easily wiped away the grime.
Ahhhh, so clean!

I must say that I am impressed.

Wanna give this stuff a try yourself?
Of course you do, that was a silly question!

Bonnie is giving 5 of my readers a sample of their own!

If you don't want to wait and want to order some right now, you are in luck!

Shaklee is having an Earth Day Special:
FREE membership with a $30 order at member's price,
plus a House of Grace Special that Bonnie will have to tell you about.

Mandatory Entry: 
Be a Public Follower and Tell me what cleaning task you loathe.

Extra Entries:
Follow Bonnie's blog House of Grace (you will LOVE her).
Like House of Grace on Facebook.
Like Increasingly Domestic on Facebook.

That's 4 entries to win some amazing
Basic H2 Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate!!!

Giveaway will close Sunday May 1st at midnight (Pacific time).
Winners will be announced on Monday May 2nd.

Good luck friends:)

I was given a sample of the Basic H2, but all the opinions and photos are mine.



  1. oooo! oooo! I'd love to try a sample! I already follow and HATE to clean my shower!

  2. I "like" you on FB too. I also LOATHE mopping floors! (I know I didn't need to add another, but I just had to add it in there. ;)

  3. I of course already follow you and I HATE to clean the bathrooms especially the shower!

  4. I Like House of Grace on Facebook.

  5. I follow you on fb too! (and I hate cleaning baseboards...)

  6. I should say that I like you on fb...and I also like House of Grace now also..

  7. And I now am a follower on her blog. (Oh, and I hate cleaning. period! LoL)

  8. I am a follower and I hate doing laundry!!

  9. I like Increasingly Domestic on Facebook!

  10. I did a vendor show next to a Shaklee vendor. their stuff is supposed to be pretty dang awesome. And--I really. hate. cleaning the toilet. but who doesn't? Not very original, I know.

  11. I'm a follower, and I can't stand to clean the toilet. Bleh nasty.

  12. I also liked House of Grace on Facebook :)

  13. I am a follower!!! I actually just bought a special notebook so that I can write down all your cleaners that you make and where you use them. I want to go all natural with my cleaning also. And you are just my inspiration!!!!! I hate cleaning the toilets and cleaning the fridge!!!!! :)
    I would love to win!!!!!

  14. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [30 Apr 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  15. Already a follower. I dread cleaning my room at work. Because it is for young kids I'm scared to use anything more heavy duty than soap+water, but that just doesn't get the job done! I think this product would bring me a little peace-of mind.

  16. Bathrooms! I follow. Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. I want to try this stuff so bad. I have hard water, and my toilets are disgusting. I scrub with a toothbrush, and they are still awful. I need some help. Love your blog, the tips, and the great stuff you make. Keep posting.

  18. I'd love to try this product. I hate cleaning the oven.

  19. I follow your blog as well as House of Grace!
