Monday, April 18, 2011

VERY Extra Special Happy Birthday Balloons!

My daughter Brooklyn turned 8 on Friday and this is what she woke up to find:
8 balloons across the doorway to celebrate her day.
What makes these balloons special, is that inside each one is a One Dollar bill!
That makes them VERY Extra Special Happy Birthday Balloons:)


My parents do this for all of their kids on their birthdays(until they turn 18).
I say "do" instead of "did" because they still have many kids living at home;
the youngest being just 9 months older than my daughter;)

I always felt so special when I would wake up on my birthday to see my balloons hanging for each year of my life with my dollars inside.

Now I do this same birthday tradition for my children
and it gives me such great joy to see how special it makes them feel.

The best part is getting to POP them and watching the dollars fall from the sky!

It's kinda like a Grand Finale to the birthday because it is done
after the cake and presents and it sounds like fireworks;) 

It's a little thing, but it's the little things that make life special.

Make it RAIN! ;) Ha ha ha! I am so Gangster.

Collecting her dollars and trying to unroll them.

She LOVES this birthday tradition;)
8 dollars baby!

I hadn't planned to blog this, but I had some friends over on Friday morning for some crafting and they all commented on how awesome it was and that now they are going to do it for their children. So I decided that maybe you might like to know about it as well:)

What little things do you you do for your kids on their birthdays
 to make them feel extra special?

Linking up with some of these blogs:

Making Photobucket 


HOGPhotobucketGet Your Craft On Tuesday


My Craftie Life


giveawaysPhotobucketmake it wear itPhotobucket

Party ButtonHookingupwithHoH


A Little Knick KnackFantabulous Friday!  

 Photobucket Catch As Catch Can

UndertheTableandDreamingPhotobucketThe Girl CreativeThirty Hand Made Days


  1. I LOVE this idea! I'm starting it with the very next birthday at our house- oh wait, that's my birthday! I'm thinking we shouldn't save the fun for the kids only, right? :)
    p.s. I love your daughter's skirt

  2. So glad you shared -- I love this idea! I want to do simple but fun birthday traditions for my kids and this will definitely be among them.

  3. Such a fun family tradition - and I think the fact that its a family tradition is what makes it all the more special. Love traditions!

  4. What a neat idea, thanks for sharing (i'm probably going to steal the idea)!

  5. That IS awesome! I'm adding it my tutorials TO DO so that I can remember to do it for Malea's birthday next year!


  6. What a cute idea, Amy! Brooklyn looks super happy :)

  7. what a great tradition that is! And she looks very pleased.

  8. Thanks so much for posting this! I love the idea and I JUST told Josh that I want to do this for our kids! :)

  9. I am happy you shared this idea! My son Austin will be 10 next month and this would be a really fun thing to do for him. Perhaps, I'll line the entire ceiling with balloons, 10 filled with money...make him work for it! You're a good mom.

  10. I love this idea!!! I'm so adding it to our birthday traditions. Last year I started thinking of ideas of what I could do for my boys that is differant and this sounds so fun.

  11. what a fun idea! It really is the little things that make life special. I like the birthday girls skirt too.

    I am the oldest of 10 and my parent's youngest is just 8 months older than my first. I think its cool and so do the kids.

  12. That really is a fun idea! Thanks for sharing!

  13. This is awesome! My kids were in the room as I read this post and they very much want me to do this... tomorrow :-)

    I pinned this post!

  14. Oh, that is such a fun idea, I have to do this for my daughter, thanks for sharing!!!

  15. Lovely idea! Glad you changed your mind and shared. Brooklyn looks so cute and happy.

  16. My kids would love this! Going to start this idea this year! Thanks so much for sharing!

    I have a weekly linky partey called Terrific Under Ten Tuesdays. It's for projects made for $10 or less. I would love for you to link up sometime!

  17. Thanks for sharing! Now I am going o do this! Great idea!

  18. great idea! I think I am going to share this with my sisters.

  19. Hello Amy! I discovered your blog from Paisley Passions. I am a participant too. I must say that your family's balloon tradition is uniquely great! It's a family tradition that is worth for keeps and surely made a lot of kids and even those grown up who remained to be very kids at heart HAPPY!

    Your daughter is by the way very beautiful!

    I hope we could develop a connection by following each others blogs. Have a great week!

  20. What an awesome tradition! I love it!

  21. I love this idea! I think I may have to start doing this with my kids. Hey, maybe I'll even hint that my husband should do it for me!

  22. Oh my gosh! I am SOOOOO glad you shared this because it IS a great idea! I LOVE having traditions and this one is perfect..not too time consuming, not too costly, and yet it makes the person feel super special~ perfect!
    I am DEFINITELY starting this tradition this year!

  23. Perfect timing!

    My oldest turns 11 tomorrow...this is a fabulous idea.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  24. What a fantastic tradition! I think I may have to incorporate this now...thanks for sharing!

  25. What a cute easy idea! I'd love for you to link up at DIY Thrifty Thursday @


  26. How fun is that?! My brother is autistic and was terrified of balloons so nothing of the sort would have worked in our home growing up, but this might be fun to do with my kids now that they are getting a bit older :) Thanks for sharing!

  27. This is so fun and I think kids of ALL ages would love this! Thanks so much for sharing!

  28. I just hung balloons for my birthday boy who is turning eight tomorrow! Thanks for the new tradition!!!

  29. I love it and will do this for my kids too! The balloons even look like Easter Eggs, so I might do it for an Easter Morning tradition (:

  30. what a GREAT tradition! love it. thanks for sharing.

  31. love traditions....thanks for sharing yours. Great idea!!

    Kids love balloons and money ;)


  32. I'm so glad you blogged this ... what a neat tradition!

  33. I am so GLAD you decided to blog this!! I have a new tradition...they will LOVE it!!

  34. What a fun tradition! Thanks for linking up to my party. :)

  35. love this idea too. i just had 2 kid bday, dang! i think we'll have to start this tho, how adorable!! thanks so much for sharing!! (:

  36. Love it too!


  37. Ooh... Fun! New tradition in our house!!

  38. such a great idea! I bet the kids just love it!!
    Featuring you at "AP Tuesday" tomorrow!

  39. Fantastic Idea... so glad you decided to share this!
    Am off to follow you about now... if you get a chance I'd love it if you'd stop by and say hi at The Quick Unpick

  40. can you do this for me please? My 44th is next month. :)

    pretty please

  41. What I great tradition...thank you for sharing! I love incorporating new traditions into our family...and this will be one of them! I just subscribed to your blog....thanks!!

  42. that was supposed to say what "A" a great tradition, not "I"...oops...thanks!

  43. Woah, and I thought easter egg hunting for singles was exciting. this idea is much more explosive :) haha. Thanks for linking up to Your Whims Wednesday!! Hope to see ya again this week :)

  44. that is so cute! too bad in Canada our smallest bill is a $5 bill! haha!

  45. Amy-

    My mom used to do that!

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Juice. Hope to see you back again this week.

  46. This is such an awesome idea!!! I'm totally going to do this for my husband's birthday coming up, but instead maybe with love notes/ his favourite candy!!! Thanks so much for the idea!!!

  47. I found you through HOH, but had to follow after I looked at your to do list! And I thought my list was long! LOL!

  48. OH MY GOSH!! This is the sweetest and coolest tradition ever!! I'm doing this with my daughter! She'll be 3 in June! PERFECT timing! Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us! :)

  49. Hahaha, how much fun is that!! She looks pretty happy with her riches :D xx

  50. oh wow! what an awesome idea and tradition! love it! definitely gonna start doing it for our son....he turns 15 this year so he is sure to love getting all those dolla dolla bills, y'all!! LOL! i just had to say that because i loved your gangsta line so cracked me up! big hugs!

  51. I.LOVE.IT! This will now be a new tradition at our house! Thanks for sharing! XOXO

  52. Very fun! Great job!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie!

  53. What a super cute,fun way to start a birthday celebration!

  54. I absolutely love this idea! I'm so glad you posted about it. My kiddos are 2 1/2 and 5 months old. This is a great tradition to start now!

  55. I love love love this idea! My Daughter's birthday is coming up and though she is turning 6 and my son will be 11 I am going to start this tradition this year. Never to late to start a fun memorable tradition.

    We will be featuring your post on Juice Box Dreams tomorrow. Please drop by and grab a button, we're also having our first ever blog party Sunday we love to have your link up!

    Melissa @

  56. thanks for sharing this fun idea! I would definitely do it on my kid's birthday they would surely enjoy popping the balloon and see all the euros fall down! I will be featuring this tomorrow on our blog! ^^)

  57. Very sweet tradition. I'll have to file it away for when I have children. You have any kids who are afraid of the popping noise? I've got several co-workers who can't stand it.

  58. Such a cute idea! Thanks so much for sharing :-)

  59. I just came across this idea at A Girl and a Glue Gun. I LOVE it and can't wait for the next birthday here to try it.

    Laura @ Come Together Kids

  60. That is a SupER fun idea. So going to start doing this!,

  61. Just stopping back to say I did this for my daughter's birthday today and it was a HUGE hit! Thank you so much for this awesome idea.

  62. I love this idea and will be doing it! thanks for sharing!

  63. WE DO THIS TOO!! DD loves it! She loves to tie more balloons up on the ribbon that doesn't have $$ in them afterward as well. I think the ribbon hung in the archway for 2 weeks afterward. LOL!


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