Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day

My Mothers Day was wonderful.

I spent the morning at home with my kids and then we met my in-laws for a delicious brunch.

Me and my kids, Brooklyn and Travis.
I am so blessed to be the mother of such a sweet 8 year old girl
and an adventurous 19 month old son.

I love these two kids more than I ever could have imagined.

Me and my LOVE! 

Free Mothers Day coffee!
Free coffee always tastes better...just sayin'.
Thanks Dutch Bros;)

This is what my hubby gave me:)
A picnic basket filled with some of my favorite treats and 2 dozen roses.

I felt so loved!

My daughter made me a gift at school that I will share later...it is so cute! 

I hope you all had a wonderful Mothers Day!!!


  1. SO fun :) Love that picnic basket and the roses are gorgeous!

  2. your hat looks so cute! love it!! looks like you had a great mommas day and you deserve it!


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