Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How to remove wax from Scentsy Warmers

Two weeks ago I got my very first Scentsy order!
(I know, I am a little late to the party, but at least I made it)

This is my kitchen warmer.
Lovely, yeah?

It was time to change the scent, but I forgot to do it while the wax was in liquid form.

I took the top part off (with the wax in it),
and put it into the freezer for about 10 minutes.

Then I took a butter knife and slid it around the edge and it popped right out!

Wipe out the inside, put the new scent in
and place the old wax into a plastic bag to reuse later.

This little tip also works for regular candle holders that have melted wax in them.
You're welcome!
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  1. Awesome! Thanks for the tip!

  2. I done this for a long time. It's amazing how it just pops right out of the warmer! No more liquidy mess! Love this tip!

  3. Great tip, I am going to have to try this!

  4. You smarty pants, you! I am even later to the Scentsy party... as in, I haven't even shown up yet...

  5. What a great idea! I have a scentsy and I always melt the wax and try to pour it back into the little container it came it. It never works well. I'm definitely going to freeze from now on. Thanks!

  6. what a clever idea! thanks for sharing!


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