Sunday, March 11, 2012

Declan Everett

Hello! I have been away from the blog for too long, but I am back(I hope). I had my baby a little over 5 weeks ago and my days are spent snuggling with him and playing with my older kids. I have missed blogging and am going to try to get back into the swing of things.

37 weeks and 1 day.
Last preggo photo!
My water broke while picking my daughter up from AWANA and we took a goofy "We're gonna have a baby!" photo when we got home. Dork status fo sho!

Declan Everett
Born 2-2-12 at 11:11am
6lbs, 14.6ozs

 Our first picture as a family of 5!

Pronounced Deck-len

 I am so in love.

My three children.
Brooklyn and Travis pretty much adore their new baby brother:)

This is my life and I love it.


  1. Congratulations! Love the name! Such a beautiful family.

  2. So cute. Love all the pictures. :)


  3. Congrats, Amy!!! He's beautiful. He has the same birthday as my youngest... Another groundhog baby :)

  4. He is soooooo cute! And I really love his name. :) congrats momma, glad to see you here again!

  5. Yay! Congrats! Figured you must of had him after not seeing any posts for awhile :) He is super cute and I love his name! Great choice. The photo of your kids together is so precious!

  6. Congratulations! You do not look like you just had a baby, you look amazing! I can't wait to read more from you!

  7. I don't know how you just had a baby and take those gorgeous pictures. I always get the super puffy face so I'm totally jealous. He's gorgeous! I'm so happy you've been soaking up this precious newborn time with him.

  8. Congratulations! He is adorable and you look fantastic, too! Love the name and really... born on 2-2 at 11:11? I'm thinking someone in the equation must be a little OCD... :)

  9. so exciting! you are very blessed with those kiddos! i love the picture of you and brooklyn at the start!

    most recent post: 6 keys to dealing with emotional funks

  10. Yaaay! I'm so happy for you, congrats! Declan was on my list of potential names; I LOVE it. You look so amazing; I was so very puffy and pale, none of the hospital pictures are pretty like yours! Beautiful family!


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