Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hurray for same day appointments!

AIM got approved and my insurance became effective last Saturday, the 23rd, but with it being a holiday weekend I had to wait until yesterday morning to even get to talk to someone about setting up my first doctors appointment. I took Brooklyn to school and then called to set up the appointment praying that they would be able to get me in sometime next week. They happened to have a cancellation that afternoon at 4! Sweet! Jon and Brooklyn got to go with me and we heard the heartbeat and saw our baby for the first was amazing. The doctor asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby and when we told her yes she started searching. It was pretty obvious that it was a BOY! Oh man were we excited! She said that she couldn't guarantee anything but that it sure looked like a boy to her...she said we would know more when we had our "official" ultrasound appointment at the Imaging Lab.
The baby is healthy and Dr Rodgers is sticking with October 17th as our due date. She said the only thing that concerns her about me is the fact that Brooklyn was born premature, but other than that everything was great.
This morning at 7:30, I called to set up my "official" ultrasound at the lab fully expecting to wait a couple weeks and was told that they had a cancellation TODAY at 1:45! So excited!


  1. Amy, I am SO excited for you! A BOY!!!! I am expecting a new blog PRONTO on the official ultrasound!! Yeah for babies!

  2. That's my Dad's birthday! :) Good Day for a due date..!

  3. That is awesome!! I can't believe how fast you are getting in!


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