Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I left you Daddy...

This evening was so nice out...it cooled down enough that we were able to go out a bit before bedtime. Jon was working on the misters for my deck(Yay!), while Brook fed branches to the goat and I sat and watched all the animals playing together....it was a very peaceful evening.

Brooklyn ran past Jon on her way to get something from the house and then stopped and came back and said, "I left you Daddy!" Jon and I looked at each other and shrugged because, well, she's our daughter and she can be quite strange sometimes. She saw our look and decided to explain: "My heart is on the left side of me and so I left you means that I love you." Then she skipped off towards the house while Jon and I laughed and shook our heads.

I totally "left" that kid!


  1. I just got chills and then smiled real big. I left her too.


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