Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cloth wipe solution.

I have been using Fuzzibunz One Size Pocket Diapers since my son was a month old and we still LOVE them..

At first I used disposable wipes because
A.)Someone gave me a HUGE box of them at my baby shower,
and B.)They were easy.

I was almost out of wipes when I came across a statistic that said that in your baby's lifetime of wearing diapers you would spend like 800 dollars on wipes(not sure if that is true, but I imagine that the real number is still pretty high).

I bought some double sided flannel wipes from Vanea at Sweet Baby Comforts. I started just wetting them with water, but couldn't help feeling like it just wasn't cleaning his bottom the way it should.

I searched for baby wipe solutions and there were quite a few, which surprised just never know what's out there until you look I guess.

Anyway, this is the recipe that I use and I love it. I love how fresh and clean his tushie gets and I love that he smells fresh out of the bath all the time. YUM!

Nothing yummier than a freshly cleaned baby.

I love these products. 96.08% natural. Yes please!
Plus they smell amazing.

Here is my recipe:
4 cups water
1 Tablespoon Baby Shampoo
1 Tablespoon Baby Oil

Mix the ingredients well to combine, dip your cloths into the solution and gently ring them out so that they are not dripping. Put them in an airtight container or in a wipes warmer for an added luxury for your baby.


  1. oooh, i'll have to try that. before we moved i was only using cloth wipes (i favor the bazillionty baby washcloths that i never actually used to, you know, wash my baby),but have slacked off since we moved. how fun!

  2. I love this! I find so many useful ideas on these blogs for when I am ready to have children!

    Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my kitchen. I thought I should answer your questions! :)

    First, I didn't sand the cupboards. I did scrub them really well with TSP. It took off a lot of "stuff" that I didn't even see on the cupboards! And then I used a primer/paint in one. It took 3 coats. Yes, I also painted inside. I didn't want to but my parents said if I wanted to paint them, I should do it right! :) It was quite time consuming, and would have been a little overwhelming if there weren't 3 of us painting! The finished product is what makes it all worth while! Hope I helped!!

  3. I do almost the samething with my cloth wipes too. I love not having to put my disposable wipes in a different bin than my diapers. I can just throw them all in at once and not worry! Thanks for posting the tip


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