Sunday, September 05, 2010

Garage sale score!

This morning found me up at 7, quietly getting ready to go to a garage sale. Not just any garage sale...a "quilters heaven" garage sale(it said that on the signs and on craigslist). I am not a quilter(yet), but we use some of the same stuff(duh), so I though I would check it out and see if there was anything I would want to add to my fabric stash(cuz I have one).

I left with plenty of time to get a coffee and then was so excited to get there that I drove right past Starbucks! I laughed at myself when I realized that my autopilot brain bypassed coffee to get to a fabric garage sale...I am so cool.

I pulled up to the house to see 3 other cars already there, filled with women decades older than me, drinking their coffee's...I felt like such a rookie.  ;)

At 7:55 they all started getting out of their cars, and not wanting to be left behind, I did the same. Then I noticed that in addition to their coffee, each lady was carrying a reusable bag. What? How did I miss that memo? Rookie mistake #2.

8:10 and the garage was still closed, so the ladies nominated me to go knock on the door.

There was a vote and everything...true story.

I knocked and a very embarrassed woman came to the door and then went to open the garage door for the mob that had accumulated in her driveway. She had put the signs out at 5 and then had fallen back to sleep. Garage sales are hard work!

The fabric was organized beautifully and even though there were so many women there I was able to get what I wanted because we were there for such different reasons. I would see 3 women pass right over the piece I wanted and move right along to something that made me go "Huh? Monochromatic cats?".

Whatever, that felt is mine!

A few women brought their "muscle"(aka: really old husbands) in case things got out of hand, but thankfully things stayed under control and they weren't needed.

Enough of my coffee-less are pictures of what I bought!!! I know you wanna see!

Tons of felt! I got these for applique's on onesies and for making felt flowers for, um, everything!

Here are two huge pieces of felt that I could not pass on...I am sure I will need these at some point.

Solid knit pieces, about a 1/4 yard each. So pretty and so soft:)

Batting, pink flannel and what I think is linen(don't laugh, I'm new). Several yards of each!

For some reason this fabric reminded me of my childhood and I had to have it! Isn't it gorgeous???
Mom, is there a reason for that? Did I have something made out of this?

Some solid cotton and some patterned cotton.

Two sizes of button covering kits, stretch lace binding and thread.

Here it is all together:

Grand total: $15.50!!!


  1. That is soooo awesome Amy!!
    Can't wait to go to one of my own...and I can't believe you only spent $15.50!!!! Woot Woot!

  2. Wow, what a score. You'll have fun using all of this. I'm coveting the notions :). Feel free to link this up with Fabric Fun Thursday this week.

  3. That is so awesome, how exciting that you found all that great fabric. I am a new follower!

  4. great deal! You got so much stuff, cheap!
    thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment about my headboard (organizer)
    have a great week!

  5. you rock, girl! but you really didn't want monochromatic cats? beautiful stash, hilarious story!

  6. This is a dream come true. You're so lucky!!!

  7. I would have been part of that mob in her driveway.. what a great sale to attend! Nothing better than sewing supplies on the cheep!
    great post!

  8. That IS an amazing score! I'm just a tiny bit jealous!


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