Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm alive!

I have gone blog silent for the past few days because of a huge 2 day garage sale that we just finished this afternoon.

Days of sorting and cleaning and pricing, followed by days of talking to strangers while they look at my stuff and try to talk me down 1 hour into the sale(I don't think so!).

In the end we got rid of a bunch of stuff and gained a good amount of money! Yay!

Now I am sitting on the couch with a bag of Candy Corn and a Mango Smirnoff Ice.
It is disgusting and I am too tired to care(or stop).

I am going to start on my next project tomorrow afternoon and will post about my progress on Monday.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and God Bless America!
We will never forget 9/11/2001.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the garage sale! I love that you're too tired to care that your drink is terrible. I can so relate!


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