Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Changing Pad Cover

I am a little embarrassed to admit that my son is over a year old
and I have never had a cover for my changing pad.

Yep, you read that right.

I have been just laying a receiving blanket over the top of the pad and then changing it out when necessary. When friends with babies came over I would pray that they didn't ask to use his changing table.

I know, I'm a freak.

The reason I never got one was because at first I couldn't find one in stock that I liked, and then after awhile I just sort of forgot...until I changed another diaper.

I found a tutorial to make my own changing pad cover on Prudent Baby and added it to my "to do before my son enters college" list.

Last night while watching TV I made my first changing pad cover!

It turned out so cute and now I want to make a few more so I have backups. 
I didn't take any pictures of the process, 
but I will take some of the next one I make and will show you.

The fabric is a snuggle flannel from Joannes and is so soft!

In the process of making the cover I ended up with four 8x8 squares of scrap fabric which I used to make two double sided cloth wipes! Yay! I love taking scraps and making something useful and awesome:)

Aren't they just adorable?
They are the perfect size to fold in half and put in my wipes warmer! 
For more information on using cloth wipes, go here.

I will show you how I made these later as well.

I am linking up to some of these linky parties!


  1. I love the fabric that you used. Thanks for linking up to Tuesday Tell All.

  2. Oh, I LOVE the fabric, I'm re-doing my son's room in robots, but I didn't see this one.
    Thanks for sharing over at Olivia Renn.

  3. Your changing table cover is really cute!! I love that fabric - it's really fun. :)
    ~stopping by from Tatertots & Jello!

  4. I love this robot fabric, Amy! Too cute! Bookmarked the tutorial over at Prudent Baby for future reference. I'd really like to try this out. Yours turned out really nice. Thanks for sharing!

  5. First, I LOVE this cover and I agree the changing pad covers in the stores aren't that great.
    Second, please enlighten me with your cloth diaper knowledge!! I have g diapers that I used for a while and I have a pocket diaper that I tried but I was so overwhelmed with the different types, how to wash them etc etc that I went back to disposables.:-(


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