Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cloth Diaper Tip

I have been too busy for all the fun projects floating around in my head and I hate it! Gah! Hopefully life slows down a little soon so that I can sew something again.

Until then I will share a little tip I learned on washing cloth diapers in a front loader:

Add a wet towel (or two) to your load of diapers to trick your machine into thinking it's a heavier load and allowing more water in the wash cycle. Wow! Totally made a difference in how clean my diapers got.


  1. That really is a great tip, I have a top loader and my mom has a front, everytime I wash at mom's house they never come as clean as when I wash them at my house. Now I know why! Thanks for that

  2. I cannot believe I haven't thought of this. Cloth diapers and I are at odds these days. I may have to drive to your house and kiss you! Then you can smack me. Not for getting fresh, but for not thinking of such a "duh" solution!


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