Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Muffin Tin Advent & Activities

This is our Advent calendar this year:

It was a gift from one of my sisters last Christmas and I just love it!  

Since the boy is too young for daily candy and tiny things, this year the treats are all for the girl. Each day she gets a chocolate and a couple Silly Bandz...she LOVES them!

Next year I plan to make the boy his own Muffin Tin Advent so that they each have their own with age appropriate things inside.

Something else that I am doing is putting a slip of paper with an activity for the day. Little things like watching a Christmas movie or playing a board game and then bigger things like going rollerskating or visiting Santa:) For a few of the days I have her open a little activity gift.

This is one of the activity gifts...Did you make these things as a kid? I did and when I saw them at the Dollar Tree I had to scoop them up! I found the tin and key chains there as well. I don't remember how to do this, so I will have to google it:)


This mug was also at the Dollar Tree and is for the night we go looking at lights. She can have her own little mug of HoCho(Gilmore Girls reference) while we drive around.

Christmas sun catchers! She gets to open these tomorrow.

Tinkerbell is a favorite around here, so I had to get this:)

Do you do things like this during Advent?

Linking up with these super rad parties!
Amy Signature


  1. So adorable!!! That is a fabulous idea for an advent :) Thanks for linking up to Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions this week. Hope to see you again soon :)

  2. I really love this! Looks like we may have two advents next year! Isn't the Dollar store awesome?

  3. These are so much fun! I love the activities and everything. I did that for a few years (when I only had one or two kids) now that there's four of them (and I'm WAY outnumbered- both by kids and time) I've simplified it way down to a simple thought and a treat with just a few activities thrown in. I love how personal each gift is- I'm sure your daughter is delighted with everything! (and when you find how to make boondoggles- that's what we called them- please share a tute, we could all use a refresher ;) )


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