Monday, January 17, 2011

{Day 13} Medicine Cabinet

Okay, so I am way behind on the challenge and am catching up during nap times;) I am also doing them out of order, which if you know me at all, drives me crazy!!! *Deep breath*

Here is my 3 part medicine cabinet before:



 I took everything out, tossed what needed to go and separated the rest into categories: body, face, hair. Then I wiped off the shelves and put everything back.

Hair products and perfume.

Face stuff and deodorant. 
The glass jars that hold my makeup brushes are upcycled candle jars.

Husbands stuff.

I was so happy to get this done! 
It felt so good that I did the bathroom drawers,
as well as the storage closet in the bathroom.


  1. Whoo hoo! You are like a cleaning rock star!

  2. Very nice! I don't have a medicine cabinet but I want to do the under the sink one for today!

  3. Looks great! I wish I had a nice big cabinet like that. and I am so behind too! and doing it out of order! and it's driving me crazy TOO! Aghh! I think I'm going to have to do one big post with the pictures...

  4. I FINALLY did the post with the 15 things... come see!


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