Monday, January 03, 2011

Day 2 of the 21 Day Organizing Challenge

Challenge #2-Your computer desk top
I don’t have a computer desk, so I decided to do my scrapbooking desk instead. It needed a little attention since my love of sewing has taken over my free time;)
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See what I mean? Poor neglected baby!
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Look at that mess!
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Look what I found amongst the chaos! It’s my label maker! Yippy!
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Here she is all cleared off and washed clean.
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This is my favorite photo that I have taken…ever.
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This is what is inside that little blue bag. They are paper weights that my hubby got me from Red Envelope. “You rock” is my favorite:)
I reused storage containers that I already had, and here is the final result! YAY!
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  It makes me want to scrapbook:)
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A clear literature holder keeps my newest scrap magazine in sight and in mind, post it tabs for marking favorites, sketch binder, and note cards.
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These jars are by Making Memories. I love to be able to see all the little pretties.
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These hold more embellishments and are actually votive holders that I purchased at Walmart.
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See the pink glitter? Oh, I have plans for her!
So now all I want to do is sit at that desk. 
Maybe I will be able to start scrapping again soon.


  1. Wow, what a transformation! It looks great and I love all the jars and such to hold your embellishments. And that is one darling picture, great job!

  2. wow, that looks great! I scrapbook too, I know how hard it is to keep it neat!

  3. Looks great, Amy! So neat and clean. I can't even get to my sewing machine right now with all of the stuff I have piled around it. That's probably part of the reason why I can't get motivated to make anything:)

  4. What a change. I have to get myself a label maker.

    For a chance to win 3 to do lists printables from IHeartOrganizing etsy store check out my giveaway.

  5. Looks fantastic! I love the idea of having the literature holder to hold your newest scrapbook magazine for inspiration. Love that photo you took and those paper weights are very cool. Red envelope is awesome!

  6. Oh man, now that's a transformation if I've ever seen one!


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