Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring Fling with Wildflowers and Whimsy

So, remember when I wrote about reaching 200 followers?
Yeah? I'm still screaming a little inside;)

Anyway, I mentioned that there may be a giveaway in the near future and then April from Wildflowers and Whimsy decided to set up a fabulous multi-blogger giveaway!
Perfect timing, right? Yep. So I am in, along with several other bloggers.
This is going to be awesome!

If you want to get in on the giveaway madness, I think there is still time.
Go say hello to April and let her know that I sent ya!


  1. Hi! I'm finally getting around to visiting everyone in the Circle of Bliss! Better late than never is usually my motto! :-)I'm looking forward to reading your blog. I'll go check out the spring fling! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Stopping by to support all Spring Fling sponsors. I'm so excited for this and to have Luxe Boulevard take part. It's going to be EPIC I tell you!
    Okay, maybe I'm overzealous. But that's allowed, right?!
    I'm following your blog now. Can't wait to get to know all you fab girls!

  3. Visiting from Wildflowers & Whimsy and you new follower :)

  4. YAY! So exciting to have the chance to be in a giveaway with so many talented ladies! I am new follower and a supporter of Spring Fling! Going to be fun!

  5. Popping in to say "hi" and follow you - I'm another participant in Spring Fling!

  6. I'm doing the Spring Fling giveaway too! Just wanted to stop by, say hi, follow your blog, stalk you a little... :-)

  7. Hi! I am a Spring Fling participant! Following you wherever you are, lol. ^^)

  8. Hi Amy! Just stopping by to visit all of the Spring Fling blogs. :) I'm already a follower of yours and you know I already love you!


  9. Hi Amy! I'm stopping by to say hi, and I'm following you...we're up to bat together for Spring Fling! Can't wait!

  10. Stopping by and following you now! I am also participating in the spring fling!


  11. Amy I noticed that you still don't have a button on The Spring Fling page. Do you want me to make you one? It will only take me a few minutes. Just email me a picture (or I can grab one off your blog) and then I'll set it up for you and email you the code.

    Anna :)


Your comments make my day! I read each and every one...sometimes multiple times, and I love to be able to write back when I can. Thank you!!!