Monday, March 21, 2011

Lemony Fresh!

So yesterday I posted about my love of {LEMONS} and a juice tip.
If you haven't read it yet, go here: When life gives you lemons.

Lovely Lemons.

Remember that I told you not to throw these away?
Here's why:

I fill a pot halfway with water, then add lemon peels and a splash of vinegar.
(I usually don't put this many in at a time, but I had so many!)

Simmer over med-low heat and enjoy the sweet smell.
Add more water as needed.

I do this whenever I have lemons and want to freshen up my house.

Another thing I do with the lemon peels:
Freshen my garbage disposal!!!

Throw a few lemon peels along with some ice into the disposal and run like normal.
The ice sharpens the blades and the lemon cleans and freshens.
My whole kitchen smells like lemons(especially if I am also simmering lemon peels).

I love {LEMONS}!!!

I have more lemon tips to share, so see you soon!

I am linking up to the blogs on my LINKY PARTIES tab.
As well as here:



  1. Fantastic ideas Amy! I love that you are a Christian Mom blogging about your creativity! I too am a Christian Mommmy with two precious little boys! I started blogging to get myself to write again. That is my creative outlet for sure! :) I just started blogging, and I just started following your blog! LOVE it :)

  2. Hey AMY, I blogged about the same thing a while back, but not the simmering thing, lol.

    Have you ever put your peels in the freezer, THEN throw a few in the disposal, it works fabulously, and you don't need the ice then.


    Bella :) Bella Before and After

  3. What a great idea! We are always looking for good ways to keep things clean without lots of chemicals!

    Thanks for your comment on my roll up case! I found you through Spring Fling and so excited to see your blog! Good luck with the giveaways!

  4. What a great idea!!! You are making me want to go get a bag of lemons... AND plant a lemon tree.

    I love lemon in my water and so I love the frozen ice cube idea. I am also always looking for ways to freshen my house. Thank you for your ideas.

  5. Awesome ideas, I've always secretly thrown the lemon peels in the garbage disposal too, but thought I was the only obsessed with that smell! I'll definitely have to try adding ice and boiling lemons!

  6. I love your tips and ideas. Thank you.

    I am having an impromptu "Cleaning the House' linky party and I would love it if you could join in! I am having a little give away to go with it too.

    Best wishes,

  7. Mmmmmm! I bet that smells wonderful! What a great way to make use of every part!

  8. I hate this time of year because the house stinks! But it is still to cold to open windows.

    Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All.


  9. That is a very good idea. In general it is always a very good idea to simmer anything you love the smell of on the stove top to freshed up your house. Good idea to add some vinegar too as it neutralizes bad odor I will have to try that.

  10. Love these tips! I'll be featuring them today :).

  11. Oooh - thanks for the boiling tip! I've done cinnamon/clove in the fall, but never thought of using lemons!

    ps - I'm your newest follower :)


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