Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stylish Blogger Awards.

I have been awarded two Stylish Blogger Awards recently
by two women who are very dear to my heart.

I got this one from Emily at Daydream Believer.

Here is her post about me that made me blush and maybe cry a little. Emily is the Children's Ministry director at our church. She has such a servants heart and spreads love to everyone around her. She is a treasure and I am so blessed to know her.
Her blog is full of gratitude and of how God is working in her life.

Thanks for the award Emily!

I got this one from Carli at Positively Pleasant.

Here is her post...girlfriend has some odd dreams;)
I have known Carli IRL (In real life) for quite awhile. She has a way of making you feel like you are the funniest, smartest, prettiest person in the world. She is genuine.
I have seriously never heard her say a harsh word to or about anyone.

Thanks for the award Carli!

Thinking about these two women, I can't help but see the similarities between them. They both embody the heart of Jesus. They are humble and serve those around them with such joy, giving of themselves without question. They love, they serve, and they bless.

I am blessed to know them.

Okay, so now I will tell you some random crap about me:

1. Places I have worked: a towing company, a pizza place, Target, I coached gymnastics for seven years, worked at Orchard Supply Hardware, was a Dental Assistant and most recently worked at a toy store. Random? Maybe just a little;)

2. Growing up, when I went anywhere with my siblings(I have 5 brothers and 8 sisters) I would hang to the back of the pack and do headcounts every couple of minutes to make sure we had everyone.

3. I want so badly to like all the shabby chic white washed decor, and though I find them beautiful, I prefer bright, bold colors. I am finally learning to accept that.
I am a lover of color. It makes me happy. I am a colorful person. ;)

Here's another post that has more random stuff about me:

I will pass on the award tomorrow:)

1 comment:

  1. Fun to read! I laughed out loud about you counting your siblings. :) Also, I love color too, it's so fun!


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