Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fabric Eggs

I made these a couple weeks ago and just never got around to posting them;)

I blame it on:

Aren't they lovely?

Plastic Eggs + Fabric scraps + Mod Podge = AWESOME.


  1. Hi Amy! Thank you so much for stopping by and linking up to my party! Your blog is so fun and I am going to be featuring it tomorrow!! Come on over and check yourself out! haha!

  2. I love the fabrics. They look so cute together. Is that your disgusting edible Easter grass?!? :)

  3. And boo to me because I definately thought I was following you and I kept saying man I wonder why Amy hasn't been posting I don't ever see her in my finally I said well heck I'm going see what's going on and apparently I never clicked the follow button!!! boooooo! lol but problem solved it is officially clicked! if my head weren't screwed on huh....


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