Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Family Portrait Book Display

You may have seen this in a few of my posts:

I love it so much!

We had family photos done last Spring by the AMAZING Kara Stewart.
They were so amazing that I could not choose which ones to print out to hang on our walls.
 So what did I do? I printed them all!

Yep, it's a book!
I had it printed at Costco and put every photo that she did in it.
There are doubles of some photos because they were done in color and B&W.

It's time to get some more babies have grown so much!

I saw this little stand at the Dollar Tree and knew it would be perfect for my family book.
I really double heart the Dollar Tree:)

My favorite part is the cover of the book. I love that it looks like a canvas.
I love that it showcases a photo of my family
and houses all the rest of the photos from that day.

How do you choose which photo to print?


  1. I love it! I'll have to keep an eye out for little stands like that at my dollar store since there's always a place for one or two around!

    How do I pick which photos to print? It's usually pretty well narrowed down by which photos I approve and which photos my husband approves. And then we further narrow it down by which ones the child is actually behaving for. So we don't often have that many to choose from! :)

  2. looks super cute! great pictures!

  3. Super cute!

    How do I choose? It's kind of a gut instinct thing. The ones I keep going back to to study closer are the ones I have printed. :)

  4. Oh I love that stand, what a perfect way to display your book. Now I need to go to DT and hopefully get one for me! :)

  5. LOVE that idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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