Thursday, June 16, 2011

Haircuts and Cast Removal

Today was a busy day.

Me and the kids went on a nice long walk, then came home and played and ate lunch.
When I put Travis down for his nap Brooklyn and I went to get haircuts.

BEFORE: Look how long it is!

AFTER: Adorable layered bob.

We have an after haircut tradition of going to Coldstone for ice cream but I didn't get any pics of that because we ran into some friends and I didn't want to look like a bloggy freak.

Brooklyn and I with our much shorter hair.

 After our haircuts I dropped Brooklyn off 
and picked up Travis to take to his Dr appointment.

Travis and I in the waiting room at the Dr's office...
waiting to see if he gets his cast off or gets a new one.

One last shot of him in the cast.

They sawed off the cast and he was so happy to have 2 legs again:)

They did more x-rays and the Dr said that he was 80% healed and that he didn't want to put another cast on him. He told me to keep him from running, jumping and climbing for at least the next three weeks.

Yeah, right! Is he freaking serious?!?! Has he met my son?
I am going to be a nervous wreck making sure he doesn't hurt himself again.

I took him home and put his stinky hadn't-had-a-real-bath-in-three-weeks self in the bathtub straight away!
Our kittens are currently living in the bathroom so it was a real party.

Me and my cast-less, bathed little boy:)

This is my life and I love it!


  1. So glad he's doing better! Good luck keeping him safe while he continues to heal!! :)

    Your daughter looks so cute with her new hairdo!!

  2. could brooklyn be any cuter??!!! I can't believe how long her hair had gotten! I hope other than follow ups you never have to wait in that waiting room again. We should all get some kind of friends and family discount at that place lol (hes also become my mil and bil's Dr. in the last 3 months) p.s. your blogs rock ;)

  3. CUTE haircuts!!!! And yay to no cast!!!

  4. No running, jumping or climbing? For real? Easy for him to say! Yay for no more cast, but good luck keeping him somewhat still! And Cute haircuts!

  5. So glad Travis' leg is healing so well!

    And I LOVE Brooklyn's haircut! I know girls who would cry like crazy if that much of their hair was gone! Just curious, did she donate it?

  6. No running, jumping, etc? Seriously? I'm with you- I'd be a wreck trying to manage that. I'd have told him to just put another cast on- it'd be a pain, but sanity is worth something, right? Best wishes that he'll keep right on healing the right way and no more owies!
    Darling haircuts!!! Both of you are gorgeous!

  7. Brooklyn looks so cute! Good luck with the no running jumping etc... Yikes!

  8. Your kids are adorable!!!

  9. Yay to the cast removal! And she looks so adorable! But, tear, she looks so grown up...I hope Sophie keeps her hair long forever! It makes them look look fantastic too!

  10. Brooklyn's new haircut is so sweet! Glad to hear that Travis got rid of the cast, but what the heck?!? I can't believe the doctor's orders!

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