Saturday, December 11, 2010

Alice Skirt

 Little Lizard King asked for some pattern testers for this apron skirt and also asked for some name suggestions. Mine was the Alice Skirt. Whether or not that becomes the name, that is all I can think of now when I look at this adorable skirt!

Here is the skirt that I made with her pattern:
 This skirt is both playful and sophisticated and is so fitting for my 7 year old.

She fell in love with this Art Gallery fabric the minute I brought it home from the fabric store and has been begging me to make her something from it.

This skirt was the perfect thing to make, don't you think?

 Front of the skirt.

 I love the secret pop of color under the apron:)

Here's the back of the skirt.



We are in love with this skirt! I will be making more for sure:)
Go over to Little Lizard King to check out all her patterns!

I am linking up to these fun parties:)

Amy Signature


  1. Very cute! My 5yo daughter would love it!

  2. You're so talented! I'm impressed!

  3. This is a darling skirt! I love how fun the pattern is, you can play with so many different fabrics in one skirt! And it's very nicely put together (and modeled- of course)! Great Job,

  4. What a great mix of fabrics. A darling little skirt.

  5. Love the skirt, Kids clothes are such a geat opportunity to take risk with colors, patterns and combination. Very inspiring, thanks for sharing!

  6. Gorgeous, Amy! Love that fabric. All I can think of when I see that skirt is The Sound of Music:)

  7. Ca-ute! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Mondays!

  8. Love it! Great colors, perfect shape!

  9. 1. love your holiday layout!

    2. the skirt turned out so cute! i love the built-in apron. i featured you today on my favorite things :)

  10. That is so very cute! Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All!

  11. Adorable skirt! What a sweet model you have too!


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