Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mug Rug Tutorial

 This is a Mug Rug:
Basically it's a coaster that is big enough for a cup of something(COFFEE)
and a treat of some kind. Yum! 
Seriously, if you can sew a straight line you can make this!

For this project you will need:
Sewing Machine
Matching or Contrasting Thread
Self-Healing Mat
Rotary Cutter
Thread Scissors
Cup of coffee

I wanted my finished project to be 5"x10" so all these measurements are for that.
All seam allowances are 1/2 inch.
Top Border (2) 2"x11" (Polkadots)
Side Border (2) 2"x4" (Polkadots)
Window (8) 2"x8" (I used 4 different fabrics and did 2 of each one)
Back (1) 6"x11" (Snowmen)
Batting (1) 5"x10"

 Lay out your window fabric pieces in the order that you want them.

Take the piece on the left and flip it over so that it is 
top-to-top with it's next door neighbor.

Pin on the left side.

Do the same to the rest of the pieces.

Run the pieces through your machine. Don't bother back stitching or stopping between pieces. If you look at the picture above you can see that I did one piece and then just sent the next piece behind it. When you have done all 4 pieces you can cut them apart. 
It saves time and thread:)

Press each piece open with the seam to one side. I pressed my seams to the pink side because I am a freak like that. First born, remember?

Lay them out again and then repeat what you just did.

Pin the pieces top-to-top and run them through the sewing machine.

Press open. Make sure that you press the seams in the same direction as before (at this point I was pressing toward the green fabrics). 
Pin the final two pieces top-to-top, sew and then press.

See? Aren't the seams so pretty?

Here is the front so far. Adorable, right?

I had been planning on doing a diagonal cut, but then changed my mind once I got my clear ruler over it and saw the fabrics. Straight up and down showed off 
their adorableness so much better.

Cut it down from the 8 inches to 4 inches.
I put the scraps aside for another little project that I will share with you soon.

Pin and sew the side border pieces on.
I really could/should have done this before I made that last cut, 
but whatever, it worked;)

Here it is all pressed and ready to add the top/bottom border pieces.

Pin top-to-top and sew with 1/2 inch seam. I used a ton of pins here because I didn't want my gorgeous seams to flip up when going through the machine. Yeah, I know.

Press open again. The seams naturally wanted to go out, so go ahead and let them.

Here's the back.

Take your back piece and lay it top-to-top with your pieced front. Pin and sew, leaving a wide opening along one of the long sides for turning and to insert the batting.

Snip the corners, being careful not to cut through the thread. This makes it easier to turn and helps your corners to be nice and square.

Turn it right side out and use something pokey to get your corners nice and sharp.

Press a final time, making sure to press the edges of the turning opening inward so that it will line up with the rest of the piece. Does that make sense? I hope so! Insert batting and make sure it is flat inside your fabrics. I am sure there is some sweet quilty way to do this, so if you know of one please share it with me!

Top stitch around the outside with a small seam allowance to close the turning opening, and then stitch along the edges of the fabric pieces. I stitched along the side that the seam was pressed to for extra staying power.

Now get yourself a mug of coffee and a stack of cookies! You deserve it! (Sorry for the Starbucks add...this is just happens to be my favorite mug)

Oh, and I have to mention that the cookies were made by my husband!
Isn't he great?

Amy Signature


  1. That's such a cute idea, I love the fabrics you used!

  2. I love the idea of sizing this for a cup of coffee plus a treat! The quilty way of having the batting inside doesn't really let you turn it, so I think your solution worked fine. The "proper" quiltmaking way would be to make your sandwich of backing, batting, and pieced top and then quilt it together. You'd then trim it square and add a binding, which I think is a bit much for a cute, quick project like this! Thanks for sharing the idea and the great tutorial!

  3. Excellent tutorial. I really enjoyed my visit to your blog. Wishing you happiness, Katherine
    P.S. I'm having a giveaway at my blog come on over!

  4. I just love these... thanks for the tutorial.. they will make a great Christmas gift

  5. Cute fabric! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Mondays!

  6. That turned out so cute! Great job. Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All!

  7. I have awarded you The Stylish Blogger Award! Check it out:


  8. Must try this at some point. Brilliant tutorial. Thanks!! x

  9. Thanks for the tutorial! I love it! I am planning on making one, although I am just going to use 2 colors, and then add one more for the window. :)

  10. Thanks for this! I made a dozen of them last week and they turned out so cute!


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