Monday, December 27, 2010

21 Day Organizing Challenge

Challenge Accepted!
(How I Met Your Mother reference)

This morning while going through my reader I came across this post by House of Hepworths about this great organizing idea that she highlighted by another blogger,
A Bowl Full of Lemons.

I popped over to check it out and fell instantly in love. She is so organized! Starting January 1st she is hosting an organization party to help all of us who are not so great at it. She will post an organizing challenge every day(excluding Sundays) for us to do and then asks that we blog about it.

I am so excited! I love when things are organized,
but I have a hard time getting there on my own. 

 Anyway, go check her out and let's start this new year off right.

Amy Signature


  1. Thanks for the shout out! And thanks for reading my blog. <3

    Good luck with your challenge. I really NEED to do this challenge to.

    ~Allison @ House of Hepworths

  2. Thanks for the post, I'm going to do it too :)


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