Friday, December 31, 2010

One Little Word:2011

This will be my third year doing this and I love it!
I chose a word (or sometimes it chooses me) to focus on for the upcoming year.

Two years ago my word was Simplify.
I just felt like life was getting so very complicated and wanted to slow down.

Last year my word was Thrive.
I wanted to grow in who I am as a wife, mother, friend and child of God.
I feel like I did all of those things.

This years word was going to be Intentional.
After researching word definitions
I started to see a pattern in the words I was being drawn towards:
Wordle: 2011 Words
They are all words that require action!

Characterized by steady, earnest and energetic effort.

Serious in intention, purpose or effort.

To intend, by design

Done on purpose.

To work with set purpose.

Conscious exertion of power; hard work

Acting with critical awareness.

Unwavering or determined in purpose, loyalty

To devote serious effort or energy

After pondering all these words the one that stood out to me the most was Diligent.

This year:
I will be diligent in spending time with God.
I will be diligent in investing in my marriage.
I will be diligent in raising my children.
I will be diligent in living healthfully.
I will be diligent in my housekeeping.
I will diligently learn new things
I will diligently enjoy life.

What is your word for 2011?
If you need some inspiration for your word here is Ali Edwards post on the subject.
You will find tons of great words in the comments section.
Amy Signature


  1. Love this idea, Amy. I had a couple of words in mind, but for some reason I just didn't think they were right. Then it came to me out of nowhere, and I knew it was exactly what I needed... "be".

  2. Ooh, I love love LOVE this idea. I tend to focus more on changing... oh, everything that bothers me about myself... every year. So EVERY YEAR I am making the same resolutions/commitments... and falling through. I dearly love using one word to keep focused.

  3. Great words! I could use them all! Thanks for sharing with me!


Your comments make my day! I read each and every one...sometimes multiple times, and I love to be able to write back when I can. Thank you!!!