Friday, January 07, 2011


Day 4 of having a sick baby...I have some catching up to do on the 21 day organizing challenge, but right now I am watching Greys on Hulu and cutting felt circles to make a garland for this evenings Beanie Baby Birthday Bash. Yep. The boy is napping and that is what I am doing. Cutting felt.

Hopefully tonight when the kids are in bed I can get caught up with all the organizing and other bloggy stuff.
Amy Signature


  1. Good luck! Hope you get all of your bloggy fun and organizing done! Glad to hear that I am NOT the only crafting when the kids are napping!

  2. Sweeet! I'm behind too. No worries, you'll catch up. I always craft during nap that bad? Maybe that's why I am taking the 21 day challenge ;-)

  3. My problem is that I only have one napper and she doesn't sleep long enough! By the time I haul out all the supplies, she's already awake.
    Hope you get everything done!


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