Saturday, January 08, 2011

Neck Heating Bag

I carry my tension in my neck and shoulders
and end up spending alot of time on a heating pad.

I decided to make a more portable rice bag neck heater so that I could go from the couch to bed and not have to unplug anything. Plus with this there are no fears of fire hazards...Yay! Just pop it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes and enjoy.

I cut a strip of fabric selvage to selvage 6 inches wide, folded it right side to right side and sewed the long edges together. Then I turned it right side out and sewed two lines about half way across to prevent the rice from traveling.
I call these "rice damns."

See the rice damn? So helpful.

I loosely filled the bag with rice and flax seeds which I had scented with lavender essential oil for added relaxation.

Then I tucked in the fabric on the open end and double stitched it closed.

The finished dimensions are about 20"x5" and it is the perfect size for my neck.

When mine was finished I let the husband try it out and he wouldn't give it back, so I was forced to make him one of his own!

Note: His is a few inches longer than mine so as to fit his manly neck better;)

I am linking up with these crafty blogs.
Amy Signature


  1. I had no idea how simple it would be to make something like this. I have one that my parents gave me at some point years ago that I love and my mother in law is constantly stealing it. Her bday is next week I'm so going to make her one! Thanks for linking up to the party at I <3 naptime... I'm so glad I saw this!

  2. what an awesome idea!! I had been using an old sock filled with This is way more pretty and I never thought of the essentila oil....perfect cuz the nuked rice does

  3. I love this idea. How did you infuse the rice and flaxseed with essential oils?

  4. This is perfeect! i always get tensions and this would help a ton!!! thank you!!!

    Come share this at my crafty mondays linky party!!!

    I also have a $15 giveaway going on too!

  5. O I love this!! It would be perfect gift for my mother!!! Thank you! Brooke
    Girl Boy Girl Inspired

  6. Love your tutorial! I've made rice bags, but couldn't figure out how to get the sections in there. Thank you so much! :)

  7. My Grandma was just saying how she wants one of these. Now I can make her one! Thanks for sharing, friend!

  8. I made one of these awhile back but I never even thought about adding "rice damns". What a great idea! Thanks for linking up to my party. :)

  9. This is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing

  10. This sounds wonderful right now. I have spent too much time at this computer.

  11. I could SURE use one of these tonight... thanks for the tute! :)

  12. What a great idea, I know I could use one. Thanks for sharing it!

  13. this is awesome! i'd love for you to come share it at our Friday link party

  14. Thanks so much for sharing! I've really been wanting to make one of these!

  15. Love this, Amy! I could definitely use one. So easy, too!

  16. I love these things. I never would have thought to make them though. Neat idea!

  17. I have made several rice bags over the years, but never thought about adding essential oils! What a good idea! Thanks for linking up at While He Was Napping!

  18. Oh, one of these suckers is next on my list! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  19. Would love for you to add this to my link party: Just click on Thursday Treasures link at top of page.

  20. This looks heavenly! What a great way to relax at the end of the day.. I may have to make one of these for my Grandma for her neck.. (although.. it may look a bit different as my sewing abilities are seriously lacking!) Thanks for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party!

  21. I received one for a gift before and they are so great! I love how you divided into sections :D Thanks for being a part of "Amaze Me Monday".

    ~Dittle Dattle

  22. That is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All.

  23. great tute. I have a store bought one I use every night!

  24. This is a great idea! I tend to stick to my electric heating pad, but I'm always fearful of falling asleep with it still running. I think this would be a great alternative, and you made yours so cute! Love it

  25. I LOVE it, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!


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