Monday, June 20, 2011

{Recipe} One-Eyes

When you have chickens you get lots of eggs.
Yep, just call me Captain Obvious! HA!

One of our favorite ways to eat those eggs is making "One Eyes".

Tear a hole in a piece of bread.

Sometimes I use cookie cutters to make fun shapes,
like a heart for Valentines Day or a star for 4th of July.

Place both pieces on a buttered frying pan(med/high heat).

Crack an egg into the hole and cook until the bottom is cooked.
To check if it is ready to flip I lift a corner and if no egg spills out
I know we are good to go!

Flip it over and let it cook until nice and sealed.
The egg whites will be cooked through, but the yolk will be soft still.

Brooklyn loves these and asks for them all the time...they are a favorite around here.

Have you ever had these?
I know there are other names for this recipe, but we have always called them "One Eyes"


  1. We love making these! We call it eggy in a basket.

  2. My husband makes them all the time. He calls them "Cowboy Hats"

  3. Here in Indiana we call them Toad in a Hole. Yumm. Brings back fond memories of camping. Think I know what I'm making Weeman for breakfast tomorrow.

  4. I have no idea what these are called around here, but I had a boyfriend who made them for me once. The idea is good, but I am a firm-cooked egg person (like, over hard. very hard) and he kept the yolk all runny... perhaps it was just a coincidence that we broke up shortly thereafter...

  5. Toad in the Hole in the northeast, too :) I don't like eggs, but I love the name Toad in the Hole, and I love reading what everyone else calls them!

  6. Super cute! My grandmother taught me how to do this. Its is one of my found memories as a child. I loved them.

  7. I'm a military brat who's lived EVERYWHERE! We used to eat these too and we call them "Hole in one". I learned how to make these at a Girl Scout Camp in California many years ago. I LOVE them! And if you wanted your eggs cooked to a harder state you just popped the yolk and then flipped it over to finish cooking. YUM! ;-)

  8. this was one of my favorite breakfasts as a kid!

  9. yep! I love these! we call the eggs in a basket. now I wanna go cook some!

  10. Toast with a Window... that's how we rolled growing up... every now and again we did it with pancakes. :)

  11. Everything ok over there? I was just thinking I hadn't seen you on my reader in awhile and came to check to make sure I wasn't missing posts. :)

  12. sounds delish! i'm gonna make one right now!

  13. We call them bird's nests. I LOVE them.


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