Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm still here!

I am just sick. Okay, not so much sick as pregnant! ;) 

I am about 8 weeks and feel so disgusting pretty much all the time.
I have been in maternity clothes now for about 4 weeks already. 
Dude...thank you pregnancy #3.

Right now I am experiencing Morning-Noon-and-Night Sickness like you wouldn't believe. 
I also have crazy excess saliva and have a gross metal taste all the time. 
TMI? Perhaps. 

Anyway, just wanted to pop in to let you know that I have not forgotten about y'all;)
If you could please pray that I make it out of this alive I would greatly appreciate it.


  1. Congratulations! We just found out yesterday that we are expecting our third. I have that same metallic taste going on.

  2. Congrats! I remember my boys gave me morning, noon and night sickness too! But it is all worth it in the end when you are holding your precious new bundle!

  3. Oh, congrats Amy!!! I'm so happy for you, and sad that you feel so yucky. That stinks. I'll keep you in my prayers! hopefully this stage doesn't last the whole 9 months like my SIL when she's pregnant!

  4. I wondered where you disappeared to! Congratulations!!

  5. Hang in there! I'm sorry it's so rotten for you. I am completely amazed and awed by those who suffer so much to bring babies into this world. Bless your heart!! I'll be praying for you. :)

  6. Congratulations! Hang in there. Pregnancy can be so rough.

  7. congrats Amy! hang in there sweetie!

  8. Hope your feeling better soon(and by soon I mean nearer 12weeks than 16). The only thing that worked for me was sucking boiled.sweets. worth ago! Think i'd have tried most things to be honest! Worth it though. X

  9. Congrats! I am 13 weeks along with my third child, also in maternity clothes for a while now :) And I am a so hope that by saying goodbye to my first trimester I am also saying goodbye to my Morning-Noon-and-Night Sickness :)

  10. Girl!!! Congratulations! Hope you'll be feeling better soon! Three, wowza you are brave lady! My one was enough to scare the crap outta me lol :) Keep us posted!

  11. Yay for baby! Boo for all day sickness! I was the same with both my pregnancies all the way up to 5 months, blech. Hang in there! And we will see you when you feel more like yourself. Hugs!

  12. At first I read your 2nd paragraph as, "I feel disgustingly pretty all of the time." For the briefest of moments I thought, "wow, that's nice!" Wait a minute, that does NOT fit with the context here. I'm sorry my interpretation is not how ou really feel.

  13. Congrats! Sounds like my first pregnancy. Sick constantly, metal taste constant, crazy saliva, and anything beef related tasted AWFUL to me. Hang in there, hopefully only another month of the sickies :-)


  14. Yay!!! Congratulations, Amy! I didn't enjoy either of my pregnancies (especially the first trimester). Luckily the rewards are worth the suffering :) Hang in there.

  15. Congratulations Amy! Praying for an easy and safe pregnancy for you.

  16. Congratulations!!! I hope you get feeling better soon. And that the metally taste goes away. And congratulations!!

  17. Love your blog!

    I awarded your blog the Butterfly award over at my blog. Check it out here


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