Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My sister coming off anesthesia

Hey! Just popping in to share a super funny video with you all. This is my sister Fish and she had her wisdom teeth removed last week. This is a video that her husband took while she was coming off of the anesthesia. You will love it.


  1. My sister, mom and I are sitting here roaring!!! My sister was just as crazy funny coming out of hers - I wish I had video. This is so flipping awesome. She's probably going to kill you for sharing :)

  2. oh my this is hilarious!! if my sister did this to me I would strangle her!

  3. This totally reminds me of a video of siblings I saw earlier this week on Ellen! Hahaha!

  4. LOL has never been so true. That is hilarious!!! My sister would kill me if I showed that on my blog :0)

  5. She was so funny..I love when she winked!! I hope she still talks to you after this : )

  6. My husband and I sat and watched this! Soooo funny! Hope she's doing better today!!

  7. That is hysterical. I would kill anyone who taped me in that position!

  8. Oh my gosh Sis! I can't believe you posted this! I'm so embarrassed! (Hiccup) ;)

  9. Juuust kidding.

    Amy asked me to film after thinking it over I asked my husband to film me when it was over just in case I said anything funny. Then after showing the video to my (our) siblings, they were like "put it on facebook!". Then after putting it on facebook everyone was like "put it on youtube!". And that brings us here...

  10. That is definitely one of the funniest things I have EVER seen! *hiccup*


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