Saturday, January 04, 2014

{One Little Word} 2014

I know my "word" is a few days late, but this year it took me a bit longer to find it.
I had been struggling so much with finding a word that would give me direction, so instead I flipped it around and wrote down some of my priorities and my word just appeared.
Some of my priorities for this new year are:
1. To increase in the depth of my relationship with God by diving into his word
and spending more dedicated time in prayer.
2. To make my marriage a priority.
3. To train up my children in the way they should go;
Raising them as opposed to just letting them "grow up".
4. Making our house a home...cozy and inviting.
5. Learning more alternative medicines and putting them to use.
6. Becoming less of a consumer and more of a Homesteader.
7. Growing/Raising/Preserving more of the food we eat.
8. To get outside more. More walking, more hiking, more exploring.
9. To enjoy life more with my family.
I know that I have already been doing these things, but without much consistency.
This year I want to really focus on them. 
When I looked at these things the word that jumped out at me was
A little old fashioned, but I love it.
More time invested in my family and less time on my phone.
More time learning, and then teaching.
More contentment in the blessings I have.
More fulfillment.
More adventure.
More JOY.
"She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness."
Proverbs 31:27
What you are focusing on for 2014.
Do you choose a word, do resolutions or set goals?
I would love to hear about it:)
Here are my {One Little Word} posts from the last 5 years:
2013-I didn't do a post but my word was JOY.

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