Friday, April 10, 2009

13 Weeks

First Trimester is over! Yay! One down, two to go.
Nausea is mostly gone, and the exhaustion is manageable right now. I just have to remember that if I do alot one day to expect to be on the couch for the whole next day.

Food still doesn't really sound good to me. I have an icky metal taste in my mouth that makes eating side affect that I had never heard about but it is in the preggo books.
I have still not gained a pound. That will change soon I am sure:)
My skin is already itchy and uncomfortable and I have been slathering on Belly Butter like a crazy person.

I don't think I am cut out for pregnancy. I have my moments where I marvel at the incredible miracle that is forming within me, but then I remember just how miserable I am. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to be having another baby.....i have incredible joy about that, it's just the process that is so hard on me. I am just praying that it gets better in this second trimester:)


  1. Oh I hope you aweful taste goes away soon... I remeber that... I had it too, you look perfect by the way... I'm jelious... I looked like a swollen spotted lady while pregers.(I didn't have great skin while "with child")

  2. You're doing amazing! And you look fabulous! I can't wait to see you progress. Soon enough you'll be holding that little baby in your arms and will eventually forget all of the misery! :)


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