Thursday, April 23, 2009

It begins...

It is time to begin the long process of moving the office into the dining room and moving what is in the dining room into storage or the former office which is soon going to be the baby's room.
Two full rooms that pretty much need to be swapped. Sounds simple, right? NOPE!
When we moved in, we tore off a wallpaper border and a crazy thick chair rail that has left torn paper and uneven walls in the dining room, hallway and front entry, so that has to be taped and smoothed and re textured and painted. There is also the matter of closing off the room so Jon can work in peace during the day, so we have a pass through window into the kitchen that needs to be closed in, as well as an entrance into the kitchen and one into the entryway.
Before I can get started on all that, I have to find a way to empty the dining room. So today I am packing up some office stuff that we don't use on a daily basis so that I can move my scrap booking stuff that is now in the dining room into the closet of the soon to be baby/scrapbook room. Then I get to start on my project.
I know I have quite a bit of time before the baby will be here, but I have no idea how the third trimester will treat me and I want to get things ready for the move before then.
Thank God my aversion to coffee is over, because I am going to need it:)


  1. I so understand the packing thing! We have until the end of the month to pack our house and move down the way from Rachael Ruther. Eric is ending school soon, we are having a big yard sale, and my work is getting a new line in all the same weekend - oh, and I'm going to a baby shower! Too much to do! I'll help you if you help me... ;) Seriously though, let me know if I can help at all. :)

  2. Good for you getting an early start!

  3. Let me know if you need any help. I would be happy to come over.


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